English is an important language which needs to be learned


1.1 Background of the Study

English is an important language which needs to be learned. Mardianny (2009) states that learning English language is to learn how to communicate using it, either spoken or written. This means that people who want to use English communicatively have to master four English language competencies; namely speaking, listening, reading, and Writing. Speaking means the action of conveying information or expressing thoughts and feelings in spoken language; listening means the action of receiving information, thoughts, and feelings in spoken language, meanwhile writing means the action of conveying information or expressing thoughts and feelings in written language; and reading means the action of receiving information, thoughts, and feelings through written language. 

Among those four competencies, speaking is considered to be the most important one. Richard (2008) argues that the mastery of speaking skills is a priority of students who learn English as a second language or as foreign language. Good English speaking competencies are required in many situations. 

 Due to the importance of speaking, the government, in this case the ministry of education and culture, design the English syllabus which contains the four language skills, including speaking. Students are required to be able to use English communicatively in both formal and informal situation correctly. However, the real situation is quite different from the expectation. Several studies related to speaking competency show that students’ speaking competency is still bellow the standard established by the government. Rubiati (2010) stated that there were several elements of speaking competency which need to be mastered by students, including vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, and fluency, but many students could not perform well in speaking classes because they had not master those elements. Besides, they have limited chance to speak using the target language. Another study conducted by Efrizal in 2012 showed that most students in his research still used their first and second language in speaking classes. Syafaah (2010) conducted a similar study and found that many teachers still used conventional method which emphasizes more on structure and vocabulary rather than the fluency and confidence in speaking. 

This study focuses on inproving students’ speaking competency of X3 class students at SMA Wira Bhakti Singaraja, Buleleng. Based on pre-observation done in the classroom and interview with the teacher, it is found that the students’ speaking comptency is still low. The X3 class students have low level of elements of speaking competency and they also have low level of confidence which disbale them from performing maximumly in speaking classes.

The big gap between the expectation and the reality causes several problems in teaching speaking, including: why do students find difficulties in speaking classes? What are the difficulties in speaking classes? What technique can be used to overcome the students’ problems in speaking classes? And what is the most appropriate technique that can be used to improve students’ speaking competency?

There are many teaching strategies and technique that can be used to teach speaking, one of them is Fish Bowl Technique. Syafaah (2010) argued that one appropriate technique that can be used to improve students’ fluency and confidence in speaking is Fish Bowl. Fishbowl technique is a technique used to manage group discussion. The general idea is that rather than a large group having an open discussion about something, which can be difficult to handle and often only benefits a few active participants, a smaller group (ideally 3 – 6 people) is isolated to discuss while the rest of the participants (maximum of 50 people) sit around the outside and observe without interrupting (Borgne, 2010).

Gorski (2012) states that “fishbowl is a technique of an essential question in which the students’ ideas and opinion are shared, proven, refuted and refined through dialogue with the other students”. Thus, the students discuss about some topic which is given by the teacher. They are expected to express their ideas and response others in which to solve the problem. Using fishbowl technique enable the students to be freer to tell their ideas and thoughts regarding to a particular topic. Taylor (2007) stated that Fish Bowl technique is a student centered activity states that fishbowl is a student-centered discussion activity. This means that it is the students’ responsibility to conduct the discussion as effectively as possible. The teacher only acts as facilitator and prompter to provide topic for the discussion and lead the students to involve in the discussion. Therefore, the students need to be active in this activity.

This classroom action research will be conducted to improve the X3 class students’ speaking competency by using Fish Bowl technique. This study is important to be done in order to make the students meet the criteria of success in speaking class. 

1.2 Research Problem
Based on the background of the study, the problems of this research can be stated as follows:
Could Fish Bowl strategy improve the X3 students’ speaking competency?
How could Fish Bowl strategy improve the X3 students’ spekaing competency?

1.3 The Purpose of the Study
The purpose of the study can be formulated as follows:
To improve th students’ speaking competency using Fishbowl strategy
To find out how Fishbowl strategy could improve the students’ speaking competency

1.4 The Significance of the Study
The result of the study is expected to contribute to the development of knowledge about one strategy which can be used in improving students’ ability in speaking, that is Fishbowl strategy.

1.4.1 For the Students
The result of the study is expected to improve the students’ speaking competency

1.4.2 For the Teachers
The result of teh study may help the teachers conduct learning activities in speaking classes using an effective strategy

1.4.3 For other researchers
The result of the study can be used as reference for other researchers who want to conduct similar studies

1.5 Scope of the Study
This study will be done in SMA Wirabhakti Singaraja. The subject of this study is the students of X3 at the school. This study is focused on the effectiveness of using Fishbowl strategy as a way to improve the students’ speaking competency. 

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